Are you an anxious person? What does it look like for you?
After some reflection, I've recently realized that I'm an anxious person. It doesn't look like what's shown on TV though. In today's episode of Magick, Business, & Pendejadas, I talk about what anxiety looks like for me, what makes me anxious, how that plays into self-sabotage, and what anxiety has taught me about coping and radical acceptance.
Watch the video below!
At the end of the video, I do an oracle reading with my deck, La Caribeña Oracle, to get some guidance regarding our anxiety. Learn more about the card I pulled in the video here:
Get your own copy of La Caribeña Oracle deck!
Thank you for watching!
Be Brave. Be Kind. Be Ridiculously YOU. #jasleni #oracledeck #anxiety #selfdevelopment #podcastshow